Welcome to a wonderfully, satisfying blog especially brewed for women who want to fulfill their dreams to be small business owners, while still enjoying the good life.  

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

5 Easy Steps to a Productive Week

Despite trying, I have finally come to accept the fact that although I may never be "SuperWoman", I am a super woman.  

Juggling between marketing, copywriting and other responsibilities as a small business owner can be overwhelming, but doable when I organize my time.  To make my life easier, I follow a few simple steps to ease tension and make my week more productive:  

1. Set daily goals – I like to compare a hectic schedule to Paula Deen’s Loaded Oatmeal Cookies.  Both can end up a disaster, if you fail to break up your week into manageable daily tasks or you refuse to follow the Queen of Southern Cooking’s recipe.  If you want a stress-free week, make a to-do-list, prioritize what needs to be accomplished each day and check off each task when complete.  If you want moist cookies - follow Paula’s recipe.

2. Establish a routine – As a mother, I know that simple routines help my children manage their time more effectively.  The same is true for working mothers - establish a routine for yourself to make your workday run smoothly.  Add structure to your busy day by assigning specific times when you check email, work on projects, return phone calls, etc.  That way you won’t surf the net all day.  

3. Focus on the task – When you work for yourself, it’s very easy to get distracted and put off doing what needs to be done for something more “exciting”.  Procrastination can be a major issue for entrepreneurs because the need to stay focused rests solely on you.  So, don’t let your mind wander.  You can manage a busy schedule if you:

- Break larger projects into smaller parts
- Declutter your surroundings   
- Minimize interruptions

4. Remove distractions – If you're following the latest drama on your favorite soap opera - then the television is a distraction.  Although the sound of childrens' laughter is sweet to the ears, it can be disruptive.  So, try to schedule playdates during times when you’re not concerned about meeting deadlines.  And, it’s O.K. to leave the laundry until later - the dirty clothes will be there when you’re finished your work.

 5. Breathe – Taking a break away from your laptop is a nice way to clear your head, invigorate your senses and feel refreshed.  Enjoying a brisk walk outside or doing a few yoga stretches are great relaxation techniques that help to revive your mind, body and soul.  If time is of essence, simply take a few deep breaths to calm your senses so you can get right back to work.

The beauty of being your own boss means that every day is different.  When you learn to effectively manage your workweek, productivity becomes second nature and that’s good for business!

- All the best